Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Puppy Snoring

It’s sleeping time! You are lying in bed waiting for sleep to carry you away to dreamland. Your eyelids become heavy and you are on the verge of nodding off. Rover lets out a big snore and you almost jump out of your skin. So much for getting a good night’s rest.

This scenario is a lot more common than you may think of. Most dogs do snore at least occasionally. Unfortunately, some puppies are able to rival the most adept of human snorers. Puppies and adult dogs snore for the same reasons that people do. The cause is that something is blocking the dog’s upper airways. Although canine snoring does not necessarily mean there are serious health issues, it can be irritating.

What are the conditions that have might affect your puppy’s snoring habit? Like humans, obesity is one of the most common reasons your puppy snores. The extra weight pushes on the airways, partially blocking the flow of air. You can determine if your puppy is overweight by looking down on him or her from above. If you cannot detect a waist, your puppy is overweight. Snoring caused by obesity can be corrected. Talk to the puppy’s veterinarian about a good diet and exercise regiment. Losing a few pounds can have a big effect on your puppy’s snoring frequency.

Some canine breeds are more prone to snoring than others. When it comes to snoring noses, dog’s breeds such as Pekinese, pugs and Boston terriers tend to lead the band. This is because they are more prone to nasal infections. It is rare to find flat-faced dogs that do not snore. A cold or allergies can cause puppies to snore, this is the cause of nasal congestion. Mucus plugs the airways, causing the dog to snore. This type of snoring usually stops when the cold is kicked or the allergies are identified and treated.

You could also be the reason or the cause your puppy snores, if you smoke cigarettes or cigar. Tobacco smoke is definitely an irritant to humans and canines alike. If you smoke and your snoring puppy keeps you awake, consider quitting or smoking outdoors only.

Dogs that are on tranquilizers or painkillers may snore even though it isn’t in their normal repertoire of tricks. This is because the medications cause the puppy’s muscles to relax to a degree where they press and partially block the dog’s airways.

Alcohol is another factor that can cause puppies to snore. As with humans, their bodies become very relaxed and the noise begins. Alcohol should not be given to dogs of any age. Watch to make sure your friends don’t offer intoxicating beverages behind your back. If your puppy snores, discuss the situation with the dog’s vet. It is wise to let the vet examine the dog to rule out tumors and cysts that can grow and block airways.

As with humans, snoring usually increases if the puppy is lying on his or her back. If the snoring is chronic, try giving the puppy a round bed that just fits his or her girth. This will cause the dog to curl up to sleep rather than stretch out on his or her back. Some dogs will snore no matter what you do and unfortunately, sometimes there is simply no solution.

Why Does Your Dog Have Bad Breath

"It Could Be Something He Ate - Or It could Be A Lot More Serious!"

You will already know the problem of dog bad breath. Your concern for your pet dog is well founded. The worry is that it could simply be bad dog breath OR it could be an indication that your favorite pet is unwell and needs to see a vet as soon as possible.

You will know here the possibilities why your dog has bad breath. Your concern about your pet’s hygiene is very important because this may indicate to any health problem. The worry is that it could simply be bad dog breath OR it could be an indication that your favorite pet is unwell and needs to see a vet as soon as possible.

Indications of bad breath in a dog could be the signs of
• Heart Disease
• Joint Disease
• Kidney Failure
• Digestive Disturbances
• And even worse - The death of your dog

You must take seriously your dog’s bad breath. It can be such a disappointment to discover that through no fault of his/her own your dog has a serious breath problem. But you want to help solve the problem as quickly and painlessly as possible.

A Rescued Puppy’s Life

My name is Sabrina. Biting the hose nozzle is my favorite hobby. I love to roll and tumble with my sister, Kristine, and kiss my big brother, Dakota. Snuggling people is what I like. But things weren’t always so good for me.

In the first few months, I try not to think taking about my though life. That was a dark and scary time for me and my sisters, Bella and Kristine. We were cold and hungry when M’Shoogy’s Emergency Animal Rescue found us. They had food, but we didn’t want to go with them because we had never met nice people. The last guy we’d seen had a gun, and the other humans had left us in the country without food and water.

The M’Shoogy’s people took us to a place where there were lots of other dogs who talked to each other a lot. My sisters and I just huddled in our kennel. People came to visit, but we didn’t trust them.

One day, a lady took me home with her. She gave me a bath and put me on the grass in a big yard. I was too scared to move. It was bright and sunny, but I didn’t know that I liked the sun. There were so many new and scary sounds! Finally, the lady carried me into the house. She put me in my own little house. I felt a little better, but I didn’t want to come out!
One day, a lady took me home with her. She gave me a bath and took care of me. She put me on the grass in a big yard. I was too scared to move for I don’t know if the lady likes me. It was bright and sunny, but I didn’t know that I liked the sun. new and scary sounds! There were so many unfamiliar things to me. I was pretty much frozen with fear for several weeks, but I learned about family love.

Now, it’s fun being a puppy. Did I mention I’m a cattle dog? I still mess up sometimes. When mom says, “Potty outside!” I like to bite her calves. She says it smarts, but she loves me anyway.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 pet shop offering variety of puppy breeds.

Dew Claw’s Purpose

Have you ever wondered why your dog has dew claws? You don’t see Rover using them. They never touch the ground unless the dog is lying down. So why are they there?
There is no clear and definite answer except that dew claws are most likely the remnants of the first toes of the ancestors of dogs. The ancestors had five toes on one theory. As dogs became specialized runners, their legs lengthened and their feet narrowed from five to four toes through the process of evolution.

Most dogs have dew claws on the inside of the front legs. Less common thing is that some dogs have dew claws on their rear legs. In some cases, dogs can have more than one dew claw on the same foot. These dogs are known to be “double dew clawed.”
Dew claws are not dead appendages. Some dogs actually use them to lightly grip toys, sticks and/or bones they are chewing on. Dogs have their own us purpose on how they will use their dew claws for dew claws are not dead appendages. Dogs can use it to lightly grip toys, sticks and/or bones they are chewing on.

Dew claws found on the front legs of dogs are usually more firmly attached than are dew claws found on the rear legs. Rear dew claws in most dog breeds tend to have very little bone or muscle structure. The fact that the rear dew claw is nothing more than a free floating bone and a claw loosely connected to the foot by a small flap of skin gives it the appearance of a loose appendage.

Dew claws that do not appear to be connected to the leg are not as useful as ones that are more firmly connected. Thus, dogs that have loose dew claws may not have the gripping benefits that dogs with connected dew claws have.
Dogs that have dew claws should be watched carefully. Most dew claws don’t wear down on their own because they do not come in contact with the abrasive ground. That means that dew claws may need to be trimmed more frequently than the dog’s other nails.
There is a huge debate over whether or not dew claws should be removed. Some argue that dew claws that are loose are more subject to injury. Thus to avoid injury, they say remove them. Others argue that the dew claws don’t need to be removed because the chance of injury is minimal and that removal process is an unnecessary source of pain and stress on the dog.

Many of the registered kennel clubs that once required dew claw removal for certain breeds in the past are regrouping and eliminating that rule from their guidelines due to the controversy that surrounds the subject.

Since there is no right or wrong answer, you need to look at your dog’s dew claws to analyze whether or not they could be easily injured. Much depends on the lifestyle, amount and type of exercise your dog does.

If you chose to remove your dog’s dew claws, you can schedule it to be done at the same time you have the dog spayed or neutered.

Developing Your Dog’s Agility

Professional dog trainers always say that it is never too early for a puppy to get agility training. However, training older dogs is not necessarily going to become a problem. There is, however, the question of whether your dog is too old for training. The notion of being old deviates from one dog to another, depending on the dog’s experiences and its natural tendencies. Basically, age doesn’t necessarily matter in keeping a dog from training.

Nonetheless, it is generally suggested that puppies undergo training at an early age because their habits are not yet firmly rooted into their personalities, therefore they are easier to handle. When training old dogs, the trainer should keep in mind that the dog can still learn and that his time will not be wasted. The dog’s willingness to learn depends on how it perceives his master’s willingness to train him. To warm your doggie up for training, you could follow these approaches:

Physical Exercise

Agility training should be introduced to your doggies through exercising. The dedication of the trainer towards the dog will overrule the fact that the dog is not a puppy anymore, and this will make the endeavor enjoyable. Encouraging the dog to move can be done by chasing them around, letting them jump and be active in the process. Puppies are more active in exercising because they still have a lot of energy to burn.

Play time

Like little children, puppies can easily be taught exercises when it is done in a series. Take advantage of the fact the puppies are very active and can add through several channels and chutes, which introduces the training area as a big playground for them.
Letting your dog play around gives him enjoyment which he will carry all the way to the actual agility training.

Agility promotion

You may have a problem with setting up obstacle courses, i.e. no available space. You can augment the lack of space by building improvised tunnels and walls to use for his training.

Shorter is better

Although dogs do not have that drive to do activities on their own, they do it nonetheless because they know that it will please their owners/trainers. They do not get hooked into training unless their owners give them something to look forward to, like a treat or a favorable response. You should also keep in mind that dogs have a short attention span, and cannot be kept doing an exercise for a long period of time at once.
The moment you finally decide to train your dog, make sure that you keep every single training session as short as possible. It is not necessary to finish the whole exercise in one session. In fact, it is better if you divide the exercises into several activities that your dog could easily grasp. Never end the lesson negatively; always shower your dog with praises and treats to increase his motivation for the next sessions. It does not matter whether your dog is young or old to train him; it depends on building his responsiveness, independence, motivation to learn by itself and to follow commands, and also your personality when training him and in acknowledging his capacities.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

How to Care for Your Newborn Puppies

Puppies are totally dependent on their mommies for quite some time, but sometimes, she is unable to be a real mom to them. This is the moment for you, as their master, to step up and assume the mommy role!

It can be time-consuming and frustrating, as well as exhausting to take care of newborn puppies.
Newborn puppies should be kept constantly warm and their feeding schedule always on time. They should always be clean, as well as their environment.
If you do everything perfectly, you are giving these helpless puppies a chance to experience life further.

Here are some tips and advices that you can follow in taking care of your puppies, especially if it seems like life has handed you the responsibility all too soon.


You have to keep in mind that puppies are unable to regulate their own temperature yet, so they have to be kept comfortably warm.
You can build a makeshift ‘nest’: ordinary cardboard box with newspaper or paper towels covering the bottom part; the paper towels can easily be replaced with new ones if the puppies soil them. For the first week, you can place the box in a room with at least 90F temperature, and lower it to 85F on the second week, reducing slowly to 70F after four weeks.
A litter of puppies stay warmer faster and longer because they tend to sleep one top of the other, a puppy pile, and they help their brothers and sisters by sharing heat. Conversely, a single puppy will need more heat to survive.

You can put a heating pad or hot water bottle in the box with the puppies, or keep them under a 25watt lightbulb. Make sure, though, that only one part of the box is lighted or heated; the puppies might find them too warm, and they can move away to the other side when it happens.
Since newborn puppies don’t know yet how to regulate their own temperature, they can get either too hot or too cold, which can be really dangerous to them.

You can take their temperature using a rectal thermometer, if needed. A new puppy’s temperature would range from 94F to 98F. Over the next weeks, this figures will rise up to 97F to 100F, and up to 102F when the puppy is a month old.

The Puppy Name Game

After several hours hunched over your laptop, looking for the perfect dog breed, you have singled out your top picks. The next thing you’d have done is visit prime breeders and pet stores to meet the puppies that are waiting for their human. And look at what you’ve got snoring at the side of your room: your very own puppy!

Do you know what’s missing? His name!

For the whole lifetime of your dog, it has estimated that you will be calling it by its name for about 35,000 times. That’s a big number, and for sure, you (and your dog) would never want to get stuck with a name that you will not be able to live with.

Here are seven very brief advices in effectively (and enjoyably!) naming your new puppy:
• Pick out names that have at most two syllables. Dogs easily understand commands with few syllables, so it would be no different when it comes to his name.
• Refrain from choosing a name that would sound like that of a command; this will only confuse the dog and will definitely hamper his training. You wouldn’t want your dog “Fred” to always play dead, would you?
• Although names such as “Stinky” and “Miseri” may hit the funny bone of your friends and family, we don’t think the vet will want to come near pets named like that.
• Let your children help in deciding a name for your new pet. They will tend to form a bond with the dog early on, and it makes the process all the more enjoyable.
• Naming a dog after a favorite uncle may be questionable, although you’d think that this is a good idea.
• Suppose your dog is older and it has already a new name that it has lived with, it is better to stick to his original name. If you want to change his name anyway, choose one that sounds almost the same with the original. The name “Farley” could be a substitute for “Barney.”
• Finally found a name for your pup? Why not try it out for the meantime? If it suits your puppy, or if responds to you with that name, then it’s for keeps. If not, then you can always choose another one!

Observing your environment is a good way of finding great puppy name ideas. There’s always an inspiration growing out of somewhere.

During your puppy’s first few days in your home, you’d be able to notice things that might be unique about him. Let him sort of introduce himself to you before you finalize his name.
• Appearance: The external features of your pup could be the basis of his name. You could name a small puppy “Maxi”, a cream colored Labrador “Hazel” or a black and white Shih Tzu “Cow-Cow.”
• Personality: If you’ve given your doggie a chance to “introduce” himself to you in the first few days, his remarkable traits will stand out. Name your dog “Bruce” if you think he’ll grow and become the next best guard dog.
There are several other dog names that have already marked their place in the minds and hearts of dog-lovers and pet owners alike: Why not consider these all-time faves in naming your dog:

• Celebrity names. A fan of Paris Hilton, Hilary Duff, and other Hollywood celebs strutting the red carpet with their puppies in hand? You might want to name your pet after theirs!
• TV dogs. Who could forget “Scooby” and his nephew “Scrappy”?
• Movie pups. Lots of movies have focused on a story of a dog. The name “Hachi” goes well with a loyal dog. The name “Beethoven” is appropriate for that big, hairy dog.
• Comic dogs. “Snoopy” has never ceased to be the most popular dog ever; you could also try out Garfield’s dog “Odie.”
You can always consult online puppy names databases if you think you’re out of appropriate dog names.

Sad dog story that will make you cry

Food Allergies in Dogs: An Increasing Threat

It seems that not only human allergies are increasing for the past 30 years; even dog allergies are.
In the total population of allergic dogs in the US, about 10% of these have dog food allergies. This follows the first two most common cause of allergy in dogs: Flea bite and atopy. Atopy is an allergic reaction characterized by an ill reaction towards a substance found in the environment.

Actually, it would take a long time before an allergic reaction to a particular dog food manifests in your pet. He would have eaten it before without any effects at all! The reason for your doggy’s allergic reaction is his immune system over reacting to an offending substance in his food. Although a specific protein is identified to be the root cause of food allergy, other ingredients in his dog food may also be categorized as the culprits. Pet owners should not identify food allergies to that of food intolerance, such as lactose intolerance. Every dog has a possibility of developing an allergy in his lifetime, but this is more common in younger animals. Allergies may also depend on the breed of the dog. Symptoms to food allergy may vary from dog to dog. Here are the main indications that your dog has food allergy:

• too much scratching;
• licking;

• vomiting; and

• diarrhea

Pet owners often assume that scratching and licking is just a part of the dog learning new things. This is not always the case, however, as this are the signs that something is bothering your pooch. If his actions are bothering you, don’t lash it all out on him because it’s not really his fault that he is sick.

What To Do If Your Dog is Allergic

It can be very depressing to see your dog feel depressed about his allergy symptoms. The more your dog ages, the more these symptoms will manifest and worsen. There is no need to wait if this is the case. However, desensitizing is not always reliable in food-induced allergies. The only way for pet owners to alleviate their pooch’s pain is to identify what ingredient he is allergic to.
If you suspect that your dog definitely has allergies, it is better to visit the veterinarian immediately so your pet could be subjected to tests and observation. There are several dog allergy tests that he may have to take; this will confirm or reject the roots of allergy. Identifying the kinds of allergy will eventually help you in choosing appropriate dog food for your dog and learn more about elimination diet.

The elimination diet process can be a difficult task for the owner, so the help of the vet should be sought here. You can always keep your dog on a hypoallergenic food diet while keeping in mind that it should be well-balanced. The need to switch dog food for several times may arise; pet owners should keep in mind that their pet’s health is what’s at stake. You should always consider that your dog might not only be allergic to his food but also to several environmental allergens. Always refer to the list of symptoms above to be sure if your pooch is already having an allergy when testing a particular dog food.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

The right dog for your lifestyle

There are considerations on choosing the right dog for your lifestyle. It maybe depends on your specific life situation; you will have several factors to consider before making a choice. If you have family and children, you will want to make sure your dog behaves well.

A dog that requires more attention from you is not suited for this type of family, and should most likely to be owned by a single person. Likewise, a dog that likes to run and play and responds well to different personality types may work out well in a family with children.
Before you decide on a dog, examine your lifestyle and find a dog that fits your taste and lifestyle. If you are independent and living alone in an apartment, adopting a large dog might not good idea for a small place to exercise and play around your place.
Otherwise, small dogs are not good as outside pets, and should be in an indoor place with the owner or with the rest of the family. If, however, if you have a family of four and looking for a dog that will match your active lifestyle, a bigger dog might be the one for you.

When choosing the right dog for your lifestyle, there are factors that you should consider:

  • the dog’s size
  • the dog’s exercise requirements
  • if the dog is friendly or not
  • the dog’s assertiveness
  • and compatibility with children

Also being a responsible dog owner is just as important to how well your dog reacts to your lifestyle.

If you do not have a lot of time to spend with your dog, do not choose that requires constant attention. If you do not have time to spend with a dog at all, you should reconsider your decision. Dogs need just as much attention as do people, and it is crucial that they are treated well.
Learn about more information about dogs, their different mixes and breeds and types that will suite various lifestyle. This is just important as choosing the right animal because certain breeds are great for children, while others are just right for those who are single. It can be a difficult decision, but one that will bring you pleasure for years to come
Right decision in choosing the right dog for you according to your lifestyle will benefit you a constant companionship with your pet and will add another member to your ever-growing family.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Yorkshire Terriers: Therapy Dogs

We can train dogs in many ways possible that they can even do tricks as we command them. We trained them to provide comfort and affection to certain people in need. A therapy dog may be trained to help people in nursing homes and hospital settings and much more. They can be trained to help disabled people. Wow, can you imagine that? A nurse dog!

Therapy dogs should have a friendly temperament. They are usually gentle in nature, patient and confident. Some things that are important for a trained therapy dog are: Accepting friendly stranger; usually therapy dog is trained to allow unfamiliar people to make physical contact with it. For example, children in particular, and also adults may enjoy safely petting the trained therapy dogs. Some therapy dogs can actually perform small tricks during their visits. With the help of a handler, the therapy dog is being trained to sit and stay in place and to come when called. And the dog should behave politely around other dogs. The dog is being examined around medical equipment using devices like a wheelchair or walker, or other medical devices which we can usually see at medical institutions. The examination is to know the dog’s reactions to these things during training. Trained therapy dogs are sometimes used for the following:

•To help the disabled.

•Trained Seeing Eye dogs help the semi to permanently blind person.
•Some dogs are actually trained to know when a person is going to have a seizure.
•Sometimes children with difficulties will relate well to a dog or cat.
•Therapy dogs are sometimes used in nursing homes for the elderly.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

How to take care of your dogs

Before deciding to accept a dog as a member of your household, it is best if you first research about how to take care a dog. Great responsibility is one personality that you should have in caring a dog, since you will be the sole provider for your dog’s social, dietary and health-related needs. Training your dog is also included as part of being a responsible owner. Here is a general guide that will familiarize you with how to take care of a dog, as well as provide tips to help you keep your dog healthy.

Puppy Care

Awareness is required in caring of a puppy. Puppies need special attention, since they are still in their “learning” stage. Encourage your puppy to interact with the world around them and be open to new situations or environments. This is also known as “socialization”, and involves exposing your puppy to as many new things as possible. Socialization is a very important part on training your puppy, since it sets the foundation for future dog training. Most well socialized puppies will be much easier to care for, for they tend to exhibit better behaviour. Feeding your puppy a special puppy-food diet for at least their first year is important. Growing puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs, and need to be fed accordingly. Just like knowing how to take care of a dog, knowing how to take care of a puppy requires that you do some research beforehand


Proper attention to your dog’s diet is part of taking care of a dog. Though it may be tempting to purchase a low-quality dog food formula that is inexpensive, this can negatively affect your dog’s health. How to take care of a dog means that you are accepting the responsibilities associated with proper dog care. Feeding your dog a high –quality nutrient-rich dog food formula that is balanced is recommended to ensure proper digestion. Checking dog food reviews is an excellent way of picking a high quality dog food.
In general, the first five listed ingredients in a dog food formula will make up the “bulk” of the food. Be sure that at least two of the first five ingredients are derived from high-quality protein sources. It’s also best to avoid dog food that contains artificial preservatives, colors or chemical flavoring.


Knowing how to take care of a dog involves knowing how to train a dog. Properly trained dogs can adapt more easily to new training programs and are much easier to manage. As soon as you bring home your dog, you can start proper dog training. Understanding how to take care of a dog means that you will have to be sensitive to how quickly your dog can learn new commands. Different breeds of dogs have different levels of intelligence, and will learn at different speeds. The best way to be aware of how to take care of a dog in relation to training involves a lot of patience. Potty training can be difficult, as some dogs need a bit of time to adapt to going to the bathroom outdoors.


Proper knowing how to care of a dog involves an adequate of exercise. And thousands of dogs experience obesity-related health problems each year. It’s important for a dog to be incorporate to exercise and let this be included into your dog’s daily routine. Exercise can be a brisk 30 minute walk, or an extended session of playtime.


It’s essential to know how to give attention to your dogs grooming. Most dogs will need to be groomed at least twice per week, though some long-haired dogs may require more frequent grooming. Always check your dog’s eyes, ears teeth and nails during the grooming process. Some have cases of early identification of health problem that can save your dog from a serious medical condition. I have here decent grooming equipment, visit discount pet supplies store.

Veterinary Care

Right veterinary care is extremely important when understanding how to take care of a dog. It’s best if you bring dog in for veterinary checkups at least once per month. You may want to invest in pet insurance for your dog. Pet insurance can cover some or all of your veterinary bills, and will usually also cover emergency procedures. Many dog owners often underestimate how important veterinary care is for knowing how to take care of a dog. I always want to have my pet dogs their weekly check up to make sure they are safe from disease and sickness.

We're located in Florida and one full service pet shop that we highly recommend is 9 "Breeders ". The best things about their shop are their quality and full service, friendly personnel, clean and organized shop, etc. They are also selling Orlando puppies in variety of breeds such as shih tzu, pug, maltese, pomeranian, cocker spaniel, boxer and other mixed breeds.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Is your Canine suffering from Skin Infections and Irritations?

We might not know but our pets have also sensitivity in their health sometimes. The Labrador Retriever dog breed is prone to many healthy problems ranging from hip dysplasia to retinal damage. The most frustrating of all the healthy concerns found in this specific dog breed is Labrador Retriever skin allergies and irritations. After a few bouts of canine infected acne, it should not have surprised us when our youngest Labrador’s lip started to turn red, get inflamed and ooze greenish-yellow liquid.

We assumed it was canine infected acne again and began treating Cheyenne at home. Her dog bowls are stainless steel so we washed those again in the dishwasher on the sanitize mode. We threw out all of her toys just incase one of them was harboring bacteria. Her lip was cleaned with warm water and allergen-free soap after each meal and we even went as far as to clean the area with hydrogen peroxide twice a day. This was everything you would do for canine infected acne.
But it wasn’t.

After 3 weeks, the area kept looking like it was getting better and then it would get worse. It went from oozing small amounts of pus from the pours to small drops of blood. It was at that point we visited the veterinarian.

Cheyenne was poked and prodded to make sure nothing else was going on – nothing systemic. After that clean bill of health, the vet did a mange check (putting tape on the skin and pulling it off to see if mites were present), fungus check (florescent purple light which reflects fungus) and then a biopsy (skin scrapping to check for bacteria and anything else).

Everything came back good except the bacterial test. It was evident that her lip was already infected and the test concluded that oral antibiotics were in order. There was no way to put on topical creams since she would just lick them off so oral was the only way to go.
We walked out of the veterinarian with a bacterial skin infection diagnosis, 2 weeks of prescription antibiotics and $103 less in our pocket.

Was it worth bringing her to vet? Most definitely! We tried to fix Cheyenne at home with the knowledge we had about her earlier skin problems but nothing was working. It wasn’t affecting her behavior, eating habits or energy but you could clearly tell it was infected. If left on its own, it could have made her seriously sick with an infection that could have traveled throughout her entire body and infected her blood or organs.

There comes a point in a dog owner’s life when they just know in their gut that something is wrong and beyond his or her control. This was our moment and although it cost us a good chunk of change, the happiness and laughter that Cheyenne brings into our lives every day was well worth the price to keep her healthy.

Is your dog prone to skin infections? How long do you wait before you seek a vet’s assistance?

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Should I go for "Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul Dog Food "?

We are particular on Chicken Soup books to those who want to learn how to cook soups! But one day, I had been surprise when I came across a Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul dog food in the pet store. It’s the packaging that captured me, and of course I laughed it off thinking it was just another company wanting to get rich through the dog owner’s pockets. A few weeks later, the company happened to contact me – not knowing I had mocked their dog food in the store recently – and asked me if I would like some samples. I’m never one to pass up free samples so I happily accepted them not knowing that they would prove once again that you shouldn’t judge a book, or dog food bag, by its cover!

The package arrived with a few packets of Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul dry dog food and some canned dog food as well. Being the Lab Brats mommy and responsible dog owner that I am, I sat down and read the entire packaging – from ingredients onward. I was in shock when I found the following listed in the ingredients:

“Chicken, turkey, chicken meal, ocean fish meal, cracked pearled barley, whole grain brown rice, oatmeal, millet, white rice, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols), potatoes, egg product, tomato pomace, duck, salmon, flaxseed, natural chicken flavor…”

What? This stuff was healthy?? No way!

Yes way!

People may not notice to see when glancing at the package is that there is a banner that states: “Holistic for Health”. Don’t let the packaging fool you – this is holistic dog food people! The entire packaging lists their slow cooked method, the balance of the major food groups, antioxidants, promotion of healthy skin and easily absorbed minerals. Upon further inspection of their dog food-feeding guide, you can tell that it is a higher quality food and not loaded with fillers because you don’t have to feed a lot to your dog. After my due diligence was complete, I let the Labradors try the dry dog food to see if he will like the new food. Although many Labrador Retrievers will eat anything, my Dakota is a very picky eater and couldn’t wait for me to get the bag open before giving her a few kibbles. Surprisingly, the Lab Brats love it for the taste and I love it for the quality and health benefits. Will I switch from my Holistic Select dog food to the Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul dog food? No – I would not switch at this time simply for the fact that my dogs have done so well on their current dog food that there is no need to switch. I should stay with the food that my dogs are on to. However, I now may have an alternative should my other dog food ever come under question. Of course, I would do more research before switching but the initial review looks promising!

Have you tried Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul dog food? What are your thoughts? Did the package deter you from wanting to try the product?

Homelss and Abandoned Puppy on Boston

"Please take me Home"
My friend Kitty just informed me about a recent incident in Boston. A person left this 3 month-old Pointer puppy tied up outside of a Starbucks on Boylston Street with a sign that said "Please take me home." I can’t imagine that someone did just abandoned a puppy that easy. Luckily for the puppy (Charlie!) a nice person brought him to the MSPCA and the media attention and for sure this adorable puppy will certainly be adopted. We hope that now, into a better home! Here's the deal, folks. A dog is a family member. You wouldn't adopt a child and change your mind a few months later. When you bring a dog into your family, it's for life. If that doesn't make sense to you, YOU CAN'T HAVE DOGS. You should be responsible for you own it.

Dog Saves a Kitty!

Yikesdiddly, what a brave dog! This is so cute! I will forever treasure it! What I have seen was a heroic deed, even though it is not particular to see a dog and a cat together, it was so indeed a very good job! Thumbs up for you cat’s saver!

Sooooooooooooooooooo... Sweeeeet!

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Jonny Justice

Johny’s here! Last weekend, this little guy represented the rehabilitated Vick dogs in Parade Magazine. But it turns out he's even cuter on video than in pictures. Yikesdiddly, I want to hug this dog.

On the job from donna reynolds on Vimeo.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Featured Dog Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are a small toy breed of Terrier dog type who seem unaware of their tiny size and are surprisingly brave, energetic and adventurous. They are, however, also quite loyal and affectionate.

Yorkies are easy to train, but like other terriers they tend to be dominant and need continual consistent training. If a Yorkshire Terrier feels its owner is weak or nervous it can over-protective and neurotic. Also a spoilt Yorkie can become snappy, show jealous behaviors and end up taking over the household! But they are especially loving and cuddly with their owners in their first 2-3 years.

Yorkies are perfectly happy living in apartments but do require a daily walk. Yorkie are not getting enough exercise with zoom around the house. As with all dogs they enjoy off lead time. Regular grooming to keep their silky coats in good condition is recommended. Since they don't shed much they are good for allergy sufferers.

Here are the Yorkshire Terrier basics:
• Height: 6 - 7 inches
• Weight: 7 pounds
• Lifespan: 12-15 years

And finally here are some warnings to keep in mind!

• Yorkies are great with kids, but make sure your children are old enough to realize that Yorkies are fragile and not suitable for roughhousing. And Yorkies are best with children when they are raised with puppies at home.

• Yorkie puppies can be disgracefully difficult to break something in any home.

• Like other terrier puppies, they can be extremely mischievous when young.

If a Yorkshire Terrier puppy fits what you and your family wants, then take a look at these cuties!

Ice cream truck for puppies & dogs is here!

First ever ice cream truck for dogs hit the street!

∎ chicken and gammon sorbet
∎ a vanilla ice cream that is sprinkles with dog biscuits

I want this to share with you, have a great time!


Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Justice for Bear-Bear!

Shocking news, if you haven’t hear yet, there is a Siberian Husky named Bear-Bear who was gunned down in a dog park in Maryland about three weeks ago.


So far the reported events have unfolded like this:

∎ An off-duty federal police officer brought his German Shepherd to a dog park
∎ Bear Bear was off lead; the German Shepherd was still on lead
∎ The police officer maintains that his + his wife's safety was compromised which is why he gunned down the Siberian Husky
∎ Bear Bear's owner maintains the two dogs were playing roughly
∎ After the initial shooting, it was maintained that no charges could be pressed against the police officer; however thanks to a lot of public support this has now changed.

Even though it seems like the story is spun, I still can’t see how the officer could justify releasing his weapon just to stop the fight. Although there was a fight, many who had been in that situation, broke or stop it without gaining issue and without too much violence.
It would be lovely if you could sign the petition & add further public support to ensure a senseless tragedy like this doesn't happen again. After all it was life that had been killed

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Have a “Crate” Time With Your Pup!

The Basics of Crate Training

There are two basic and important skills for any dog or puppy to learn and master, the crate training and potty training. These two skills can be taug
ht to the most puppies at about any age over 12 weeks, but they will be more receptive and will learn faster when they are under 1 year of age.

Crate Training – Acquainting Your Puppy with Its New Home

Starting at early puppyhood, train your puppy to be comfortably at ease in its “home” (crate). Specifically, train them to sleep, to rest and to stay in its crate. Every puppy should learn the skills of resting calmly in a crate. This will be needed at veterinary hospital, for traveling, and for restricted activity due to illness. Staying in their crate is very essential for their lives because it can also be a lifesaving technique during their chewing stages. They will more likely to be comfortably resting in its crate instead of causing messes or trouble all over the house. Everyone in the household can sleep better with a crate-trained puppy.

Finally knowing the method of crate training, your puppy will be an effective tool for with housebreaking or potty training. The basic principle will keep them away from soiling in their immediate sleeping/living area, and for them to stay in their crate or “den”. At first couple of tries, you might have some accidents, but do not be discourage. By following the steps below, you can train your puppy to seek security and comfort inside their little home.

Step 1: Encourage your puppy to go into its home on its own. If necessary, toss a treat into the crate. Do not force it to go in. Your puppy may quickly back out or be shy, but that is normal. Be patient and give it some time. For now, do not close the door on your puppy, but let it go in and explore without too much anxiety and worry. Of course, feel free to give praise and/or a treat when the puppy goes in.

Step 2: Once your puppy is happy and unafraid of its new home, simply restrain it at the crate door with your hand. Make your puppy stay in its home for a few minutes at first, then gradually increase the time and be sure to praise it if it behaves well.

Step 3: Once your puppy is comfortable with this – usually after a few hours or a few days of short training sessions – simply restrain it by closing the crate door gently but firmly on it, again praising it lavishly. However, try not to be sneaky about shutting the door, this can cause the puppy to distrust both you and the crate. Slowly you can get further and further away from your puppy, always praising its accepting behavior. Eventually, your puppy will feel secure in its home with the door closed, and will sit quietly and sleep in there.

Your puppy’s crate should be pleasant and comfortable for them to them to rest. Provide your puppy with a few safe chew toys and a treat to help them relax and drift off to dreamland. Your puppy will feel secure and comfortable if you will provide soft and washable bedding in its new home! Always keep the bedding and crate clean and free of flea. Make sure that the crate is just the right size for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie down with water bowl. Just a few reminder; do not put housebreaking pads or newspaper in your puppy’s home. We are trying to take advantage of the its natural instinct not to go in its home but in the back yard or other open place.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Home Care Training for a Puppy with Diarrhea

It is really a big challenge for a trainee to train a puppy that has diarrhea or irregular bowel movements. There are few reasons on how and why your puppy get to loose his/her stools. For assurance as an owner or a trainer to your puppies, you should always consult with your veterinarian whenever your puppy develop diarrhea.

First, be responsible to make sure that your puppy is not taking something that he shouldn’t be eating. Puppies love to explore, tend to find things and put them into their mouth and eventually eat it. This is one of the causes that lead to loose stools or the reason for them to have diarrhea. As a trainer, part of your puppy house training is making sure to puppy proof your house.

Second, do not feed your puppy any people food. Your puppy’s digestive system cannot handle it, and they may develop loose stools or diarrhea.
Third, for young puppies under 12 weeks old, your veterinarian should let you know on feeding your puppy around 3 times a day. Every dog is different, and also their digestive systems are different. In your house training, some puppies may need to be fed 4 or 5 smaller meals a day as their systems develop. This will help avoid overloading their digestive system, and allow time to digest their food. This can help your puppy avoid loose stools or diarrhea.

You will eventually have to cut out your work for you. Even though your puppy has diarrhea, you will not treat them as if they should be confine, they still be trained with the same training as if they don’t have diarrhea but with much more frequently.Keep an eye on your dog and read his body language. Be the one to initiate when your puppy tells you he has to go out to go potty. Yes, your dog can tell you when he has to go out.

Depending on how bad your puppy has diarrhea, you may just want to set up a schedule of taking your puppy out every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or whatever seems best to let your sick puppy relieve himself and to avoid any accidents in your house.
You will also probably want to fast your puppy. This means that you should not feed him for up to 12 hours, until he stops defecating. After fasting your puppy, you may also want to start with feeding your puppy some plain canned pumpkin, or some boiled chicken with rice. You can see that they should also be cared as a person has a sick. Treat them as one of your love ones; after all, your puppy is your responsibility.

As always, anytime your dog has any health issues, you should consult with your vet for help. They may suggest you bring your puppy in for testing to make sure your puppy’s diarrhea is not something more serious. You also need to make sure your dog does not get dehydrated, which is a danger with diarrhea.

Always consult with your veterinarian for any health issues that your dog is having trouble with. They may suggest you bring your puppy in for testing to make sure your puppy’s diarrhea is not something more serious. Don’t let them be dehydrated if they have diarrhea, this is one of the risk factor that your dog will be dealing with.
You will be in tough position whenever your puppy gets diarrhea. You are responsible to take care of him without a problem. Don’t take the risk to put your puppy in danger of being sick. Secure him that you are being a good trainer and a best buddy to your dog. If they get sick in weekends, you don’t have any problem taking care of your puppy but if it happens to be weekdays and your busy with something, maybe you are having dilemma on how to deal with your puppy’s situation.

You have a puppy now. You will either have to stay home from work to make sure your puppy is taken care of, or have someone else take care of them. Preferably, this should be someone who has been taking part in your puppy’s house training, or someone who has experience in house training a puppy with diarrhea. Do not leave your puppy alone.

A puppy with diarrhea is a delicate situation, but this is a defining moment in your puppy house training. You must take the good with the bad, and this may be bad. But it is your responsibility.

Are you looking for new pet puppies? No. 1 Orlando Puppies pet shop is offering variety of puppy breeds.

Friday, 13 August 2010

26 Puppy and Dog Blogs You Should Visit.

We created this site to all dog and puppy lovers. This is a new place for dog community! We can say that our dogs and puppies are our best buddies! They can even be our brothers or sisters, son or daughter and even a friend to lean on, to calm our emotions and a friend to enjoy a day with and bring happiness to our lives. This is a place to help you gain knowledge about them and to provide you satisfaction about your concerns. We have tips and steps to train dogs and puppies, information that can capture your hearts to love and treat them as your own, being responsible enough as a trainer, solutions to solve your problems about your puppies and more blogs to accompany you and your best buds!

We should give importance to our puppies not because they are our pets but because they have also lives to provide their need and for giving us satisfaction and love in return. Our blog contents offer available information to help you out on giving them proper care. We can say that right information can give a better and best outcome. And we are rendering you well and fit guidelines here, so be free to navigate, give comments and suggestions for our better service. We hope to satisfy you!

In no particular order, here are the list of puppy and dog blogs you should visit.

ppy in Training #1





Bichonce Place #5


#6 Funny Dogs Videos



Dogs Blog


Dog Fleeces #9


#10 Perfect Puppy Care





Pets Lover

Dog Spired #15


Super Cool Pets #17


#18 Petlvr Blog




Dog Problems #21


#22 Two Barking Dogs


The Pit Bull Lovers Blog #23




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